Sunday, July 29, 2012

What the hell?

 I don't know how to explain what just happened.  It was the cherry of freak on a sundae made of weird and covered in hot melted creepiness.

Today while I was scrubbing the floor, the pressure in the room just started to build and build and I couldn't even breathe much less stand up.  Spots were floating in front of my eyes, and there was a 'pop' and liquid started dripping out of my ears.
Hello, Penny
Then as I was about to black out, I could see someone in a dark brown cloak standing right in front of me.  It stood there, watching as I struggled for breath, clawing at my throat.  Then as it turned away, the cloak thing changed.  I could see the very bottom of a white doctor's coat, scrubs, and even a set of those little booties surgeons wear.  Except the feet inside the booties weren't human.  Claws, talons, a set of toenails in desperate need of a manicure?
The Doctor will be with you shortly.
I woke up on the floor, a red smear on the tile I just cleaned, dammit.  When I went into the bathroom for more cleaning rags, I caught a look at myself in the mirror, and turns out something in my ears busted when that...whatever it was...came to visit.  I had a trail of blood on one side of my face, and a big smear where I'd passed out on the floor on the other.

Thank goodness I don't have to work today.  I don't even think I can go see Mrs. K. today, that's how messed up I am right now.

Oh shit.  I have a meeting with Bill in an hour.  My hands are starting to shake now.  He's going to think I'm coked out or something.

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