Thursday, July 26, 2012

Digging Up Info

I think I'm getting into a pretty good routine now.  Here's how the past couple of days have gone: I get up around noon and spend a good half-hour convincing myself to leave the coziness of my bed.  Then I spend a couple of hours cleaning the apartment.  Around that time my fingers and nose are pretty numb from the stupid A/C so I go visit with Mrs. K. until it's time to get ready for work.  I open beers and clean the bar until around three, then I head home, fall asleep, and do it again.  I'll be getting Sunday and Monday nights off, with my first paycheck coming at the end of Saturday night.  I might be a little too excited about getting paid.

I haven't seen Scrubs-Guy around.  I asked Mrs. K. about him, and she was able to give me some good gossip.  His name is Chore-something, and he's about my age.  He's a nurse, and because of that works all sorts of odd hours.  That explains the scrubs, but not why he's going to work with them stained.  You'd think hospitals would frown on folks coming in with dirty clothes.  She also passed on that he gets company at "all hours of the night."  I guess that makes sense, if he's friends with other nurses and stuff, they'll have odd hours that they keep.

Apparently Chore is quite the nice young man and we would make a cute couple.  Bleh.

She told me all this yesterday, and it just seemed too... explainable.  So I "ran into" the super this morning on my way over to Mrs. K's.  Got to talking about my neighbors, and it was boring as all hell until we got onto the subject of Scrubs-Guy, aka Chore.  Turns out every once in a while, he gets packages from some medical supply company.  Huge boxes of stuff.

Weird, huh?

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